Project Description

Royal Reading

Royal Reading


Life does not come with a manual, it comes with a Spirit Team.

Many among us probably already know that every human has a Soul. We literally are a spiritual being (a Soul) that came into a human body through incarnation.

When we die, the Soul reincarnates into a different physical body and this process goes on and on in order for the Soul to grow through all possible human experiences. The good, the bad and the ugly.

Even though life knows many challenges, we don’t have to carry that burden alone. The day we are born into this world, we get an extra family connected to us. I call them the Royals and they team up with us to assist us in our present lifetime here on earth.

Who is this Royal Family then, and why are they connected to us?

Souls are not the only Spirits in the Universe. Other spiritual beings inhabit the spiritual realm as well. Whether you call them Gods, Goddesses, Angels, Saints, Ascended Masters, Ancestral Spirits, Nature Spirits, etc…Just like our own Soul, they are all Spirits.

From the moment we interact with a spiritual being, a connection with our Soul is made.

In our many previous lifetimes, we might have been a buddhist priest, a devoted nun, an African shaman, maybe even a priestess of Isis in old Egypt. Or we just simply prayed for help and guidance to any possible Saint, Angel or Spirit from the far corners of the world.

Every time our Soul incarnates, we inherit these important spiritual connections.

Within the fine lines of our hand palms, these Spirits show up, each with their own signature.

The Royal Reading determines who the members of that Royal Family are, which teamed up with us from birth. It also reveals our Head Spirit, who acts like a Guardian Angel in our lives.

Furthermore, you get relevant information on your life’s path, and advice on how to deal with certain spiritual issues.

The Royal Reading is a necessary step if you want to receive Spirit Healing. (link)

“Onlangs vroeg ik een handreading aan via Axel en het resultaat verbaasde me sterk.
De accuraatheid van de persoonlijke kenmerken die beschreven werden, waren meer dan opvallend!
Ook al de connecties die met mezelf gelegd werden, waren onmiskenbaar van toepassing.
Een aanrader voor iedereen!
De afspraak voor de Spirit Healing zijn reeds gemaakt!
Voor Axel en Jean, bedankt!”


There is more to us than meets the eye