Project Description

Spirit Healing

Spirit Healing


Let’s live your life from the front seat…

Thank you for reading the “Royal Reading” first, as it explains the necessary concepts to understand the Spirit Healing better.

The connection between your Spirits and your Soul exists in the spiritual world. Knowing which Spirits belong to you through the Royal Reading, allows me to activate them in the healing.

From that moment onwards, the connection is also established in the physical world, and your Spirits are now ready to work for you.

Before the healing you need a proper preparation. A custom bath is made for you to be used for 5 consecutive days before your session. Before going to sleep you rinse yourself off with this floral essence to cleanse your aura.

Furthermore, you receive a bottle of “Head Wash”, which you apply to the top of your head for 3 days in a row. This liquid purifies your Crown Chakra in order to receive the Spirits.

Spirit Healing is where the real magic happens. During your session, I call the Spirits of your Royal Reading to perform the healing.

Women will first experience the female Spirits, followed then by the male Spirits. For men it is the other way around.

As balance is important, both women and men receive an equal amount of female and male Spirits.

After the healing, I teach you a daily and a weekly ritual, and how to work with your Spirits. And if afterwards you need further assistance, I remain always available for any help along the way.

Although I have tried to describe the process of Spirit Healing to my best efforts, I do realize that words are somewhat limiting when it concerns spiritual experiences.

Therefore, you are very much welcome to come and visit me. It will be my pleasure to show you around in my temple so you can see and feel for yourself what it is that I do.

For some people who are truly gifted, are being called by the Spirits, or want to become a spiritual worker, there is the possibility of Initation. If this calling applies to you, I will happily guide you to this next level on your spiritual journey.

If you are a medium and already proficient in channeling Guides, Angels and other Spirits, I might be interested in collaborating with you.

“Testimonial 1”


“Testimonial 2”


Connect yourself with your Spirits