My Journey

Le Petit Mage et son chemin

Hello! My name is Axel and I created Spirit for Healing out of a deep desire to live life from the heart.

As a child, I often visited my Russian grandmother. I remember how fascinating it was to watch her prepare her medicinal herbs. She used to have visions, and she read cards and palms too.

When my father’s uncle gave me his pendulum and books on dowsing, I realized that magic was running strong on both sides of my family.

And there I was, Le Petit Mage, merely 11 years old and searching my parent’s back garden for underground water. The invisible world was calling. My journey had begun.

As the child matured, the search for spiritual knowledge intensified.

Over the years, I met many wise and interesting people from all over the world, but it was not until 2008 that I found my true teacher, Jean.

He initiated me into his tradition on November 10, 2008, in Florida. Coming from an extensive lineage of practitioners, he is the most magical man I have ever met.

The knowledge he has shared with me has been passed down his family for more than ten generations. 

Everything I know, I have learnt from Jean. He taught me to work magic, perform spirit healing, and eventually even initiate people.

I am proud to continue his tradition in my own “House of le Petit Mage”.

In Love, Honor and Respect. Always and Forever.

Axel ‘Le Petit Mage’


Our tradition is a legacy that goes all the way back to Africa. We call it our House. As Jean was initiated by his grandfather Louis in the House of Lil’ Louis, I was initiated by Jean in the House of Lil’ Jean. Now the tradition continues in my own House of le Petit Mage.

Jean and I in 2008 after my initiation in Lake Worth - Florida.
Jean and I in 2008 after my initiation in Lake Worth - Florida.
My initiation was by far the most magical and wonderful happening in my life. It was the start of a long-lasting friendship with Jean . This photo was taken at Fritz’ place.
Fritz and I at his place after my initiation.
Fritz and I at his place after my initiation.
After my initiation Jean drove me to Fritz, another powerful magician in the tradition, to introduce me as a new member of his House. I was in very good company indeed!
Jean and I in 2021 on my last evening in Fort Lauderdale - Florida.
Jean and I in 2021 on my last evening in Fort Lauderdale - Florida.
This moment was captured right before Jean taught me a secret technique of working with the spirits. The funny lights behind him made for a priceless photo!