Through the madness of life, the search of finding balance in it and in myself I ran into Axel on facebook. Long story short, he called and told his story, what he does for a job and I was immediately intrigued with the tarot cards. I always believed in a bigger thing , there’s more than the eye could see so I mentioned I could use his gift of laying down the cards.

Why did I come back to earth? What was the point if life kept on hurting & confusing me.

Axel’s charme, his at ease present and his good interpretations of what you tell makes it so much easier to put trust in him. It’s not a hocus pocus magical stuff, if you would wonder. It’s simply putting the question out in the air and let the cards answer them. Axel has the ability to translate the answers of the tarot into a meaning you understand and an answer you can get to work with, or not. That’s up to you.

The best part, he takes his time to listen to you, to deepen your question so you have more on the session.

I went to Spirit for healing as a rather shy, nervous and a little sceptic girl to ask for guidance. I felt a bit lost in the world of today after being in a relationship for half of my life with the same man. I had fallen so deep after the break up, the darkness began to win and I knew I needed all the support I could have to stay strong. I always knew there was more than we could see in this world and when Axel told me he had the knowledge, the strength to make the connection between myself and my own spiritual support team ( we all have by the way ) I didn’t have to think long. Although I knew some people who strongly believed in Angels and guidance from them, I still was surprised to feel the presence of different ancestors who were standing by my side. It still felt a bit like mumbo jumbo to me but I kept my heart open and welcomed the sessions in. Before you go to your session you follow a little ritual at your own home. Just go with it, it’s nothing extraordinary but it’s also the intention you set for receiving help, for accepting the guidance. A welcome ritual for the spirits and your ancestors as a cleaning for your mind , body and soul .

From the start I felt in my heart this was something I needed and a closer step to understand more of the world.

The day after the second session I already felt more whole, more in tune with my body & soul. I walked with a stronger step in the world, happier, fierce to be here, fierce to finally be me. I could love myself for who I was and the will to live, to love ran through my veins. I felt supported to be alive, to be.

Axel takes his time to get to know you a little bit more before he starts with the sessions and he doesn’t forget the aftercare. Which is so nice and makes it personal. It’s like walking to a friend’s house, knowing whatever is going on with you, the friend is there to listen and will take his time for you.

If you’re lucky he even plays his piano for you, his music is amazingly beautiful and it touches you right in the heart.
