
My daughter (9 years old) has anger issues at school. Why is this happening and how can we fix it?

As this question deals with both cause and remedy, I decided to split them up in two separate readings.

A. “What is causing my daughters anger issues at school?“

Cards: “Soprafino Tarot” (1835)


The Pope – The Magician – Justice – The Sun – Death 

She has problems with authority (Pope), and more precisely with how manipulative the power that comes from it is being exercised at her school (Magician).

This is conflicting with her fundamental principle of fairness (Justice).

Although still a child, you cannot fool her. She already realizes that having authority does not mean that you are always right.

When injustice occurs around her, happiness (Sun) comes to an end (Death).

Not only does she know exactly what is right and what is wrong, she is also not afraid of using her sword to rearrange the balance. Hence the anger issues.

Follow up: 

The client revealed that her daughter is both highly gifted and highly sensitive, and that the cards were very accurate in describing the fights between her and her teachers.

B. “How can we fix this?”

Cards: “The Game of Hope” (Original Lenormand 1799)


The Book – The House – The Sun 

Let your daughter go to a school (Book), where she feels at home (House), and she will be happy (Sun).

Follow up: 

The client decided to send her daughter to a Steiner education school and since then, there have been no more anger issues. 

The parents were informed by the school that her teachers love her and that she has a “sunny” personality.