
My boyfriend betrayed me for the second time. He solemnly promised me he wouldn’t do it again and is begging me for another chance. I really love him, but I don’t know if I should take him back, or not.

To give her a clear picture of what to expect, I split her question up into two separate scenarios: one where she gives her relationship another try, versus the other one where she doesn’t.

A. “What will be the outcome for me if I decide to take him back?

Cards: “Playing Marseille” – Ryan Edwards


The Magician – The Hanged Man – The Tower

Surprise Card: The Fool

Ask yourself whether his promises are true, or is he making you believe a sweet illusion (Magician)? Remember, love is blind and you might not always see what is really going on.

You will find yourself trapped, helpless and unable to turn your situation around (Hanged Man), until everything falls apart (Tower).

The “Surprise Card”, which sheds light on another aspect of the situation, is clear about its direction: wandering around with no real commitment (Fool).

This will not be going anywhere good, to say the least.

B. “What will be the outcome for me if I decide not to take him back?”

Cards: “Playing Marseille” – Ryan Edwards


Death – The Wheel of Fortune – The Devil

Surprise Card: The Sun

You will be cut free (Death) from the vicious cycle that you are currently caught up in (Wheel of Fortune).

The third card (Devil) reveals that the one turning the handle of the wheel is also the one responsible for keeping you in this repetitive cycle: manipulation, lies and controlling behaviour are binding you to him.

The “Surprise Card”, which sheds light on another aspect of the situation, adds a promising and optimistic note: you are bathing in happiness (Sun).

In other words, not taking him back will free you from this toxic bond and the door to happiness will open.

Follow up: Although the client admitted that her boyfriend was indeed manipulative and toxic, the bond between them was just too strong and she gave him another chance.

One year later she contacted me again, devastated, because he left her for another woman.