
For the purpose of earning an extra income I am looking into buying a property to rent out. An interesting apartment was offered to me, but the sale would include a tenant who is currently living there.

Are there any hidden problems with the construction of this property and will the tenant, who is on social welfare, continue to pay the monthly rent?

As these are basically two questions dealing with different aspects, I decided to split them up in two separate readings.

A. “Are there any hidden problems with the construction?“

Cards:Visconti-Sforza” Tarot (1452) 


Justice – The Chariot – The World

You will get what you pay for, as a fair deal is being offered here (Justice). You will be taken into (Chariot) a successful story (World).

Rest assured, the property has no hidden construction problems.

B. “Will the tenant, who is on social welfare, continue to pay the monthly rent?”

Cards: “Silson” Lenormand – Malpertuis


The Key – The Tree – The Anchor

We see here that the door opens (Key) to a  deeply rooted (Tree) stability (Anchor).

So yes, this tenant will bring you long lasting stability.

Follow up: After the reading, my client decided to buy the apartment and gladly reported that in the past 12 months there have been no construction problems at all.

Furthermore, the tenant has been paying the rent without any issues (even 2 days before the rent is due every month!).