
I have a highly demanding position as team leader of the sales department. Earning a lot of money kept me going at first, but the increasing stress has worn me out completely and left me exhausted with a severe burnout. I have been on sick leave for almost a year now.

Lately the idea of resuming my job makes me very anxious about relapsing into a burnout again. I realise I might need to find an entirely different job, but I do not know what I should be focussing on.

What should I focus on in my career choice to avoid a burnout relapse?”

       Cards: “Tarot de Marseille” by Jean Noblet (1650)


The Lovers – The Hermit – The Emperor

Do card: the Stars

Do Not card: the Devil

Surprise card: Justice

You are torn between which choice to make: follow your heart or follow your head (Lovers)? This inner conflict is feeding your anxiety.

Take a step back to think it over deeply (Hermit) and ask yourself what you truly want.

Once you have resolved the dilemma of heart versus head, you will have the ability to proceed into any career path (Emperor).

The other cards illuminate this polarity even further:

The “Do card”, revealing what you must do in this situation, tells you to trust yourself and be generous in what you have to offer the world. As long as what you do comes from the heart, you can go all-in without holding back (Stars).

The “Do Not card” revealing what you must not do in this situation, tells you to not tie yourself down and become enslaved to your work or to money (Devil). Wealth cannot buy health.

The “Surprise Card”, shedding light on another aspect of the situation, tells to be fair with yourself and find a balance between what you want and what you have. Do not be afraid to use the sword and make swift cuts in what is no longer serving your heart (Justice).

Follow up: After the reading, the client started a small artisanal enterprise and both her health and her business are thriving.